Sunday, August 11, 2019

Medal east Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Medal east - Assignment Example Ataturk aims included; the onerous treaty of serves in 1920s which served as a legal framework imposed by the republicans as well as sovereign power overlooked by the grand national assembly, the reformist, republicanism, nationalism, populism, statism and economic development. The principles initiated were fundamental and contained unchanging aims that were guided by republic’s interests. The principles were vested as sovereignty of Turkish statehood and involved particulars of nationalism and universalism. This was a big order for a young country. Ataturk also established constitutional amendments in Turkey that have made it accepted into the European Union. These amendments include the abolishment of death penalty and allowed broadcasting in the Kurdish. Wives, women, and feminism characters have a right to seek employment without their husbands’ permission and bringing to end the practice of high school test for girl’s virginity as well as the removal of crim es that involved anti-state comments. Secularist reforms were set out and they led to the abolishment of Caliphate laws as well as religious law courts and codes that they had implemented. Ataturk brought to existence the procedures that influenced directly the Islamic Shari’a. ... Turkey and Israel agreed to signed an agreement on tourism such that nationalist from the two countries could visit without restrictions. This increased the social bond between Turkey and Israel. The two also made military agreements whereby training arrangements were conducted by Israel. In this agreement, Turkish military men were trained in Israel. Turkey imported missiles from Israel, therefore, increasing the economic status and political standards. Turkey invited Israel for a contract to upgrade Turkish fighter jets, a contract that required six hundred and thirty two million dollars. Turkey conducted a military maneuvers with Israel and the US since Israel became a state. The economic, social, and cultural shares between Turkey and Israel as well as US helped it to sustain its people. In fact, it is the interaction between Turkish government and the US government can be seen when Turkey allowed US to use her airports to fly bombing raids on Iraq in the gulf war. These characte ristics have helped Turkish government to rebuild and project a highly commercial and economic sustainability. Question # 3 Jordan faces a number of challenges despite being a popular monarchy where the king speaks with the voice of moderation. These challenges result from lack of water where aquifers scarce or are rarely found, rainfall is below five milliliters and scarcity of oil wealth like other regions around it. These issues bring poverty into Jordan that she cannot pay for desalinization of plants, an agricultural degrading phenomenon in which farmers have to use irrigation systems particularly drip irrigation that would rather save the scarce water. Unfortunately, plans with Syria for a dam on the Yarmuk

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