Saturday, August 10, 2019

Explain how and why dunkin donuts conducts marketing resarch. Be Essay

Explain how and why dunkin donuts conducts marketing resarch. Be Specific. Describe what type of resarch is Dunkin Donut doing primary or seconday. Why - Essay Example Due to this research the organization started locating itself near homes as well as business areas and they even opened their business in large stores such as Wal-Mart. This depicts that Dunking Donuts is involved in conducting mainly primary research. Primary research is that research that is conducted by the researcher themselves and this form of research has not been conducted before. This form of research is conducted by the organization in order to identify what the customers want. It is very essential for an organization to first identify the needs and wants of the customers and then develop their products and services in compliance with those needs and wants (Kotler 98). This is because customers always want to purchase those goods and services that satisfy their needs and wants. If an organization develops goods and services without conducting research, it is most likely to fail. This is because such an organizations offering may not attract customers and the offerings they h ave developed would not be

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