Wednesday, August 28, 2019

High Strangeness Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

High Strangeness - Research Paper Example Blocks used for construction of these pyramids were obtained from quarries by use tools made of copper and stones; in fact, this has been identified through examples concerning each stage of block extraction regarding existing ancient quarries. On the other hand, granite was applied in thumping the stones of dolerite; in fact, some of these stones were discovered in these quarries (ScienceDaily, 1). Furthermore, transportation of these blocks to location where the pyramids were contracted involved use of barges and wooden sleds from the local and remote quarries. There are no wheels applied during the process of building these pyramids; in fact, this invention would not have been of any help since they were transporting a heavy load on a soft ground; therefore, this involved manual dragging of sleds and they would be assisted beasts of burdens. Furthermore, there were lubricants poured upon the roads, thereby reducing the friction while moving their loads. The process of building the se pyramids commenced in 2700 B.C, whereby they were constructed as a way of extending royalty for other thousands years, up to 1700 B.C (ScienceDaily, 1). ... building of great pyramids has been done by numerous people; in fact, some people contend that they were constructed through a possession of technology, which was lost though ages. So therefore, this indicates that creation of this pyramids was a complicated process; for instance, there are contentions that these pyramids might have been built by twenty thousand to thirty thousand laborers in order to complete Great Pyramid at Giza, which took approximately twenty there years to be constructed (ScienceDaily, 1). Construction of pyramids by pharaohs commenced after taking their throne; in fact, the pharaoh focused on establishment of a committee, which entailed a group of people considered as overseers of the construction process, a chief engineer and architect. On the other hand, these pyramids were located at the western side of the Nile, whereby the pharaoh’s soul was believed to have a chance of meeting with the sun disc as it descended prior to continuing with the sun in i ts eternal round. Apparently, two deciding factors were applied in determining the location where this pyramid would be built; in fact, these factors included course to the western horizon, the location of the sunset and immediacy to Memphis and this made the central city of ancient Egypt (ScienceDaily, 1). Composition of nucleus among these pyramids included local limestone, which was of finer quality, and this was composed of outer layer of the pyramids; thus, this led to a white sheen that is noticeable from miles away, and there were other capstone, which was usually made of basalt, granite and other hard stones (ScienceDaily, 1). In fact, they were planted with precious metals such as gold and silver, a combination or an alloy of both, thereby causing a shiny reflection during bright sunny

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