Friday, March 20, 2020

Are All Dreams Wish-Fulfilling essays

Are All Dreams Wish-Fulfilling essays Which of your dreams do you believe is definitely not a wish-fulfillment dream? Describe it carefully, and analyze it in relation to your life. If you prove it is not a wish-fulfillment dream, what does that imply about Freuds views? I find it hard to believe that all dreams are wish-fulfilling When you dream, do you always have wish-fulfillment dreams? Sigmund Freud believed that you do. Sigmund Freud was the founder of modern psychiatry. He was raised in Vienna, Austria. He lived from 1856-1939. He studied neurology until it led him to psychiatry. After reading Sigmund Freuds The Interpretation of Dreams, I find it hard to believe that all dreams are wish-fulfilling. A great example is the night of the September 11, 2001 attacks in New York City. I was very sad that day because of all that was going on. When I slept that night I had a nightmare. I dreamt that I was in United flight 11 that went into one of the twin towers. A couple of Arabs had taken control of the airplane after killing the pilots. I was told to shut up and stay seated not knowing where the plane was headed or what they planned to do to us. New York City had just come into view as I noticed that we were passing the twin towers. The airplane made a sharp turn and I realized that something bad was about to happen. As we were about to crash into one of the twin towers I woke up sweating and screaming. I have not had a nightmare like that in a while. I was scared to death the next morning. I am usually a very happy person and never have nightmares. This was obviously not a wish-fulfillment dream. The only way that it could have been a wish-fulfillment dream was if I could have saved everyone on the airplane. But I didnt and I woke up as I was dying. Freud says, The dreams of young children are frequently pure wish-fulfillments and are in that case quit ...

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