Saturday, September 14, 2019

Frankenstein Rejection Essay

In the novel of Frankenstein, there are several prominent themes. The main theme however is rejection. Rejection is not singled out on just the relationship of Victor and the Monster. Yes, Victor does reject the Monster but that is not all. Society as a whole rejects the Monster. Also, in a sense, the De Lacy family was/is rejected by society as well. In a situation like the one in Frankenstein, rejection is easiest when it comes to defiance in society. Victor longed to create life. In that, he took it upon himself to experiment with dead people in older to accomplish it. However the insanity caused by the obsession made him reject the Monster. â€Å"The different accidents of life are not so changeable as the feelings of human nature† (pg. 42). This is a prime example- case in point. Human nature is to reject the unusual. Victor’s obsession with science and creation is the basis for his hatred. Society rejects the Monster based on his looks. Honestly, if an eight foot, stitched creature came up to you what would you do? You’d reject it. The people of the village rejected the Monster when he was looking for shelter, protection. They judge him on a look basis and it links to society rejecting the unusual and ‘ugly’. Society sets an unbreakable standard for individuals to follow in order to be accepted. Those who defer from the stand are shunned for being different. Felix DeLacy was only trying to correct a societal wrong in freeing Safie’s father. Humans, as a whole, enjoy seeing pain inflicted onto others. This makes complete sense because when it comes to public executions masses are gathered and cheering. â€Å"The government of France was greatly enraged and punish † (pg. 106). Society accepted the DeLacy’s because they had money. Once Felix reached out to help another and the DeLacy’s lost their money and social status, society rejected them. Society wants nothing to do with the poor. Society wants nothing to do with the poor, the kind hearted or the ‘unique’. Rejection is the main theme of this novel. The whole novel demonstrates the theme of rejection. Victor’s obsession with creating life is the major component leading to his rejection of the Monster. Society rejecting the Monster when they don’t take time to understand what they don’t know or understand. And you cannot forget society rejecting the poor. This is the perfect example of rejection in society. Society doesn’t enjoy what they do not like or understand so the easiest thing to do is reject the defiance.

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