Tuesday, July 23, 2019

The Power of Many Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

The Power of Many - Coursework Example ntials, access to data and resources, personal acknowledgement, skill improvement, and a sense of involvement and effectiveness in resolving community issues. In comparison, individual efforts increase costs by raising the time necessary for organization, inadequate services and resources necessary for contribution, and primary burnout. By pinpointing the particular benefits and limitations to contribution to the engagement attempt, community leaders can install the proper incentives (C.S. Mott Foundation, 2010). Approaches that can effect progressive social change are nonviolence and traditional political affairs approaches. The nonviolent approach includes peaceful measures and courses of action that do not involve traditional politics. For instance, conventions, neighborhood watches, isolation, industrial action, sit-ins, fasts, and forming alternative political associations. A community member like a demonstrator can undertake peaceful approaches to not only organize a community but to prevent harm as well. For example, a peaceful approach of demonstrating can prevent loggers from cutting down trees. The other approach, traditional politics, is the ordinary method of community organization that I deem practical and relevant to me. Politics exploits the collective power of community organization (Akoto-Abutiate, 2014, p.

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