Wednesday, July 31, 2019
“Freakonomics†by Steven D. Levitt and Stephen J. Dubner Essay
Freakonomics, by Steven D. Levitt and Stephen J. Dubner, is book that not your typical economist would write it was co-authored in 2005 and if morality represents how we would like the world to work, then economics represent how it actually does work in this award-winning book. Steven D. Levitt is a not your typical economist. He is a much-heralded scholar who studies the riddles of everyday life- from cheating and crime to sports and child rearing and whose conclusions turn the conventional wisdom on its head ( Stephen J. Dubner is an award-winning author and journalist ( These two authors team up to create a very insightful groundbreaking collaboration. They set out to to explore the inner workings of a crack gang, the truth about real estate agents, the secrets of the Ku Klux Klan, and much more. Through much story telling and insightful knowledge, they show that economics is at the root, the study of incentives ( There is not one underlying theme the book, Freakonomics, is built around, but there are many reoccurring themes throughout. The three major themes that I found occur throughout the book are: positive vs. normative analysis, incentives are the cornerstone of modern life, and the idea of â€Å"tournament†style markets, â€Å"winner take all†. Freakonomics is a brilliant, provocative investigation into motives: what are they, how they can be changed, and how they affect what people do. It is also a deceptively easy read: its style is very humorous and really grips the reader throughout the book. Freakonomics tackles some of our most basic assumptions about the way people, and society, work. I believe that Freakonomics demonstrates the basic economic principles. I will defend this argument through the underlying themes of Freakonomics. Positive vs. normative analysis is one of the many underlying themes of Freakonomics. The conclusions derived from each chapter will often surprise the reader. These conclusions may also not agree with your personal beliefs, but that is the basis of positive vs. normative analysis. Positive economics is objective and fact bases, while normative economics is subjective and value based. Positive economic analysis statements do not always have to be true, but in order to be considered a positive analysis you must be able to test and prove or disprove the statement. Normative analyses are opinion based, so they cannot be proved or disproved. This basic economic principle is not always easy to understand because the consumer is usually very value based. Public policies are typically revolved around normative economic statements meaning the disagreements carry on because neither side can prove that is correct or incorrect. There are many examples of positive vs. normative analysis throughout Freakonomics, in chapter four, on crime and abortion, the authors brought forth the issue of how crime rates relate to abortion and backed it up with the statistical information. This is an example of positive analysis because the statistical information supports the issue being argued. Normative analysis of the issue between crime and abortion would be that they are not correlated to one another because it pledges the fidelity to notions of the way the world should be. Also, in chapter five, the coauthors believe that a child’s academic success does not come from parental efforts and they explained this through the data presented in the book. One would think a parental figure would help a child’s development in the classroom, but in reality its other external factors that does. This clearly illustrates the difference between an analytical approach that considers the world, as it is (positive analysis ) and an analytical approach that is based on how the world should be (normative analysis). Incentives are the cornerstone for modern life, people respond to incentives. An understanding of incentives is the key to clearly understanding any human behavior. Incentives are a thing that motivates or encourages one to do something. Incentives are everywhere in the world especially in economics. Corporations are often given tax incentives for hiring more employees. Incentives are a payment or concession to stimulate greater output or investment. In Freakonomics, Levitt and Dubner believe incentives equivalent to the study of economics. In chapter one, Dubner and Levitt exclaim that incentives come in three varieties: moral incentives, social incentives, and economic incentives. Moral incentives are which one acts out of conscience or conviction. Social incentives are by which actions are related to shame or glory. Economic incentives are causing people to act in their own personal financial interest. In chapter one, we saw the example of a day care center in Haifa, Israel, in which a fine was levied for parents picking up their child late from day care. Once the fine was implemented, we started seeing parents showing up late because it allowed more personal free time. Once this economic incentive was levied parents found that the free time outweighed the economic incentive. Parents were only picking up their child on time because there was somewhat of an incentive socially and morally. They morally or socially believed they had to pick up their child on time, but now that an economic incentive was implemented they did not feel morally responsible to be on time and just paid the fine. Also in chapter one, we saw the incentive for teachers and their students to do well on standardized testing for more school funding or even to keep their job, so teachers act out irrationally and help students ch eat on standardizing testing. Incentives are found in everyday life they are in every situation depending on one’s personal beliefs, which also can relate back to normative vs. positive analysis. In chapter two, real estate agents don’t have moral incentive to get the best price for their customers house being sold. Getting the optimal price on a house and time consuming. Since real estate agents make 3 to 6% commission on houses they have little incentive to put more work in then needed for a small amount of money more. They feel their time is more valuable then putting forth more effort in selling a house knowing they can sell it faster at a cheaper price. There are many examples throughout the book of incentives, but the one I found most interesting was the issue of drug dealers still living at home in chapter three. Levitt and Dubner use dealing crack cocaine as an example of an incentive to better yourself and make money through harsh working environments, but it is also an example of a basic economic principle called â€Å"tournament type markets†. They strategically use the example of dealing crack cocaine as a â€Å"tournament†type market by convincing the reader this is a â€Å"winner take all†field of work. Street-level drug salesman usually are motivated by the idea of getting promoted in the drug business, so they ultimately try to maximize the gang’s profits. Higher ranker officials however are more interested in making money since they are already in a position of high status. Overall in this market there are many players, but one by one they are eliminated. At the end, a victor emerges and takes home the â€Å"prize†or money. As stated in the book, the top 120 â€Å"managers†in the Black disciples gang represented just 2.2 percent of the full-fledged gang membership, but took home well more than half the money. This is a â€Å"tournament†style market because these â€Å"managers†emerged from all the other competitors and are now high ranking, they won the â€Å"tournament†in essence. Overall I believe Freakonomics illustrates basic economic principles. Levitt and Dubner lay out many underlying themes in the book, Freakonomics, but there are many reoccurring themes throughout. The three major themes that I found throughout the book are: positive vs. normative analysis, incentives are the cornerstone of modern life, and the idea of â€Å"tournament†style markets, â€Å"winner take all†. These three basic economic principles are just a few of the major themes in the book, but I believe are enough evidence to convinced the reader that Freakonomics does cover major economic principles and is a book of economics. In all, Freakonomics is a brilliant book that incorporates everyday ideas into economic ones. It truly is a book about economics and the evidence given proves this. Works Cited â€Å"Freakonomics.†Freakonomics RSS. N.p., n.d. Web. 17 June 2014. Levitt, Steven D., and Stephen J. Dubner. Freakonomics: A Rogue Economist Explores the Hidden Side of Everything. New York: William Morrow, 2005. Print.
Tuesday, July 30, 2019
Natural environment Essay
Frank Lloyd Wright’s Fallingwater introduces an essential factor the architect incorporated in the perspective of organic architecture by striking the balance between technology and the environment. He utilized building materials in the likes of concrete and steel, contemporary resources which appeared quite artificial to the average man or woman (Hoffman 18; Levine 217). Technological advancement usually denotes an unwelcoming and unattractive facet of society, not just in the environmental realm but in the social aspect as well. At the same time as the country progresses towards the 20th century, the relationship between technology and the environment grew all the more crucial as far as the designs Wright conceives. He acknowledged that the technological advancements constitute an vital element of the society into which humanity is born. As an architect, he considered it his purpose to identify the common ground where technology and the environment exist in harmony with one another (Hoffman 18; Levine 217). The spectacular profile and structures he conceptualized, particularly in his most recent works became feasible with the aid of technological advances. Nonetheless, it took a human factor for cultivation (Hoffman 18; Levine 217). However, others believe that the building materials he incorporated were far from what were generally regarded as organic elements found in nature. In what manner can the cantilevered concrete, a feature of the structure communicate with the environment? In response to that query, the architect requests his audiences to consider nature as an abstract form (Hoffman 21; Levine 217). Wright suggests that his audiences treat nature as an innate feature of the material. The moment an individual identifies the fundamental component of masonry, brick, and wood, their nature was identifiable every time they are being utilized allowing them to function in the rising contemporary society (Hoffman 21; Levine 217). Undeniably, his works has evermore altered the landscape of the country, and similar to several built environments, his brand of architecture mirrored the socio-cultural aspects of the times beginning in the year 1890 until 1960 (Hoffman 21; Levine 217). Analyzing his designs would even offer significant insights concerning the concepts of organic architecture. His influence in field of architecture remains undisputed. The character of the structures he designed imposed not a style rather a manifestation of awareness which encouraged other versions of the forms in the contemporary society (Hoffman 21; Levine 217). Several other architects drew inspiration from the proximity of environmental occurrences (Hoffman 21; Levine 217). The Fallingwater serves as a contemporary representation of the basic need to identify with nature by means of immersion. Forming a cantilever above the waterfall of a winding creek, the Kaufmann house is nestled amid the forest. The rhythm of flowing water is heard around the place and suspended balconies offer the feeling of blending with nature. Such connection delivers an intimate connection with the built as well as the natural environment. The clean geometric architectural forms start to expose the inherent properties present in the basic structure of the natural environment. Works Cited Hoffmann, Donald. Understanding Frank Lloyd Wright’s Architecture. Chelmsford, Massachusetts: Courier Dover Publications, 1995. Levine, Neil. The Architecture of Frank Lloyd Wright. New Jersey: Princeton University Press, 1996.
Monday, July 29, 2019
And I Lived...
She smiles down at me, living in the full pleasure of being alive. I dont yet understand her importance or her influence, but I love her just the same. I take her hand, and we dance across the beach, happily following the shoreline, our windbreakers fluttering against our arms. We laugh, looking for sand dollars, mimicking seagulls, and enjoying sunset at Higgins Beach. Tingling with life, we return to the cottage, our bare nerve ends raw from exposure to the wind-blown sand. Our hair is tangled, the feeling of salt air all through it. I drag the twisted green hose from the flower garden and rinse the salt water off our feet. Soon we are reaching into pockets and rediscovering the treasures found just minutes before. Half a sea urchin tumbles out, and then a particularly shiny lady slipper. Walking up the cottage steps, my grandmother must stop and inspect the clover. Four-leaf clovers hold a special appeal for her, thousands lay pressed in various books, forgotten, the books now returned to countless libraries. We toss our treasures in the sink and then wash them off. When dried, they are scattered about the cottage, placed on window sills, next to lamps, symbolically perched on the TV, the large shells always reserved to be used as soap dishes. The day is done, but the living of it is not. Quickly we rush to change into our pajamas. She was never one for nightgowns. I run a toothbrush over my teeth, and bound into her room, clutching a book in my hand. Jumping on her bed, I see everything has already been arranged: the pillows piled back against the wall, the glass of water on the table, the book on top of the radio. I grin in the familiarity of it all, and she asks what book I have. I tell her, and hand it to her. We sit next to each other and lean back against a dozen pillows. She reads, and I follow along, completely unaware of any other world. All too soon the book is finished, the chapter completed, the paragraph done. I go up to bed while she goes to the freezer for Hershey bars and completes some reading of her own. The new day starts off with a morning beach walk, but today is different. Were going shopping. By late morning we have set off in her little blue car. Heading for the bread store I chat endlessly about school, my Christmas hopes, and favorite books. Grammy is always interested in what I am reading. She too talks about books those she is hoping to write. We pull into Country Kitchen and buy all the day-old bread. Piling it into her car, we discuss which clothing store to traverse. Time to shop. We enter the building, no real goal in mind. No, I dont have one; she does. In her mind she goes through all the people she knows, all the people she hasnt seen for awhile, people she knows who are under the weather. And she tries to find something for them. Something to make them smile; nothing big or expensive or fancy, just a smile she can wrap up and mail them. Heading back to the cottage, we laugh over the foolish things manufacturers are producing. She is excited about the bread. Pulling into the driveway she comments on adding more flowers to the garden. Unloading everything we laugh some more and hurry inside. We throw everything in the hallway and rush toward the day-old bread. Flying out the door, we run down the beach. Stopping halfway to the shore, we stand, and begin ripping into the bread packages. Slices of bread begin to whiz through the air. Seagulls come from the far ends of the beach. Layers of circles of squawking gulls, flying slices of bread, sounds of flapping wings and laughter, the air pushed by bird wings, and there, in the center, my grandmother and me. She thinks nothing of this, except the fun that it is. That there might be questioning thoughts by neighbors, beach-walkers, fishermen doesnt occur to her. And if it does, she doesnt care. My grandmother became a woman that, beyond my love, I have grown to respect and admire. She chose to divorce her first husband in the 1930s. Unheard of. She kept her two children and soon remarried. Qualms about dating when she had children? Never. She wanted to be an author. She wrote newspaper articles at age sixteen. But the big magazines wouldnt publish works by a woman. So she changed her name to Duane. No big deal, thought Gram. She has published dozens of books in just as many languages. Awards, respect, the love and admiration of many. But in my eyes, her greatest trait was her ability to live. Her favorite words were, Lets celebrate. When lengthened, the full sentence would read, Let us celebrate being alive. Never once did she stop living, stop feeling, stop caring, stop being. She hated the dumb television shows, the raunchy books, the items that deaden a person to the world. In short, my grandmother knew what life was, and I, in all my respect and love for her, have learned life from her.
Sunday, July 28, 2019
The Structure Of Criminal Justice System Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
The Structure Of Criminal Justice System - Essay Example Trial courts and police departments are organized at a city as well as country levels. The statewide system has many variations, which are determined by factors like overcrowding of local jails, court congestions, problems of justice administration and differing types of crime. US Congress, FBI, Secret Service are major parts of the federal system along with defense and public attorneys, the Federal Sentencing System and US Bureau of prisons. Dealing with crimes that involve laws of immigration and income tax also come under this domain. (Criminal Justice System) This relates to the goals, values and specific procedures of applicable criminal laws. While state legislative bodies have powers to enact statutes to deal with various offenses, local legislative bodies have the power to enact ordinances creating minor offenses. However, many criminal statutes are general in nature and can be interpreted by courts at various levels. In addition, certain defenses like a defense of property, self-defense, duress, and insanity do not have any statutory basis.(Criminal Justice System) The criminal justice investigation starts with a behavioral definition of the criminal act, while criminal case processing has many stages with the involvement of different agencies at each stage. Many offenses come to the knowledge of police only after the crime has been reported, minor crimes, like traffic violations and disorderly conduct, are directly dealt by local law enforcement officers.
Occupational Stress Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Occupational Stress - Essay Example In economically advanced societies, work and occupation take on a central position in adult life. Occupation defines the most important criterion for social stratification in advanced societies. Occupational settings produce the most pervasive continuous demands during one's lifetime, and they absorb the largest amount of time in adult life (Albrecht et al 2003). Contemporary definitions of stress favour a transactional perspective; this emphasises that stress is located neither in the person, nor in the environment, but in the relationship between the two (Cooper et al, quoted in Clarke & Cooper 2004:5) Selye(1981, quoted in Grant et al 1995) said that work is an essential need for everyone. The question is not whether we should or should no work, but what kind of work suits us best. Consequently, external and internal sources of stress and their subsequent strain has a cause and effect relationship, and are experienced and suffered by employees and workers in their societies. "Occupational stress is a growing problem that results in substantial stress to individual employees and work organizations around the globe. The changing nature of work has placed unprecedented demands on employees and fuelled concerns about the effect this change is having on the well being and the health of their employees and their work organizations" (Anderson et al 2001:93). As social inequalities in health continue to be a key public health problem, scientific theories that explain these inequalities are needed (Siegrist and Marmot 2003). Thus, there are many approaches to occupational stress. They inv olve types of causal and affected variables, and also different labels are used (Cooper 1998). The two most significant models of occupational stress put forth are the (i) Demand-Control-Support Model by Robert A. Karasek, and further developed by T. Theorell as well as by Johnson and Hall and the (ii) Effort Reward Imbalance model introduced by Johannes Siegrist. Comparison and Contrast: The Demand-Control-Support (DCS) Model : Salient Features The demand-control-support model was developed by Karasek and his colleagues during the 1980s. According to this model, psychological demands (both qualitative and quantitative) have more averse consequences if they occur jointly with lack of possibility to influence decisions regarding the job, ie, low decision latitude. Low decision latitude has two components- (i) authority over decisions (the immediate possibility that the individual has to influence decisions regarding what to do and how to do it at work and (ii) intellectual discretion, which is the opportunity that the organization gives the individual to use and develop skills at work so that s/he can develop the possibility of control in the work situation (Moon and Sauter 1996). According to Karasek, who introduced this model, psychological distress is influenced by high demand/low control combinations. Conversely, an increase in control increases job satisfaction. According to
Saturday, July 27, 2019
WWII Uboat campaign Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
WWII Uboat campaign - Term Paper Example German boats were equipped with 5 torpedoes and one main gun (Russell 122). U- Boats were mainly constructed for intelligence gathering of enemy movement and for launching special operations. German war planners very efficiently used U-boats to threaten and ultimately target the royal and merchant navy. U-boats sunk Royal navy and merchant ships sunk in huge numbers in different occasions. Restrictions of â€Å"treaty of Versailles†could not compel German navy to do away with submarine tactics during the Second World War (Gannon 47). Besides sinking battleships, boats also sunk an aircraft carrier in the Atlantic waters. U-boats almost compelled Britain war planners to consider surrender in the war. After the completion of German campaign in Western Europe, Hitler’s navy employed all the u-boats in Atlantic for patrolling the waters. This posed great threat to British merchant fleet as very less escort was available to guard the ships against German u-boat attacks. Sub marines had already proved the metal in the First World War but after passing about 20 years the U-boat tactics played havoc in Atlantic waters (Russell 119). U-boats played an important part in world war two, Winston Churchill claimed that U-boat war in Atlantic was so impressive and result oriented that Britain was forced to consider surrender during the Second World War.... German navy decided to target merchant fleets to threaten trade in the Atlantic. Merchant fleets used to travel with inadequate fleet so vulnerability to German attacks was already increased. It was almost impossible for Britain to provide complete protection and aerial cover to fleets throughout their Atlantic route. German navy started analyzing the points on the sea route where these fleets were coverless and no aerial or naval support available to merchant ships (Showell 71). Mid Atlantic was one of the lucrative options for attacking these fleets. The royal Britain navy was already over tasked in different regions of the world. Royal navy was facing challenging situation in accomplishment of the tasks in Atlantic, Far East and the Mediterranean. Therefore, the royal navy was already overstretched in the war. Such huge tasks of royal navy demanded careful planning and use of intelligence and tactics from naval and army commanders (Russell 132). Royal navy was greatly assisted by the French navy in defending the Mediterranean. Germany had 56 boats out of which only 46 were operational at the start of the war. According to the understanding of the famous â€Å"treaty of Versailles†Germany was not allowed to maintain any submarine as part of its naval fleet (Stern 58). Therefore, Germany took other measures by sending the troops abroad for submarine training. The treaty posed no restrictions on training the troops for anti submarine tasks. U-boat commanders were told to target merchant ships in Atlantic to break the backbone of British trade. In august 39, seventeen U-boats were sent to Atlantic Ocean with the mission of patrolling and laying mines (Showell 72). At the start of the battle, u-30 attacked and sunk liner â€Å"thania†casting 112 life causalities
Friday, July 26, 2019
Late Ming and Qing Period painting Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Late Ming and Qing Period painting - Essay Example The essay "Late Ming and Qing Period painting" analyzes the painting of the late Ming and Ging period. In the analysis and comparison of late Ming and Qing painting traditions, it is important to understand that both traditions were influenced by preceding cultural, socioeconomic and political events. The late Ming period embraced many artistic traditions and branches that originated in the early Ming period, namely scholar painters at the Hongwu court (1368-1398), the the professionals at the Xuande (1426-1436), and Chenghua courts (1436-1465) (Lin, 1967). However, from the critical perspective, Wumen School has been the most influential artistic school for the formation of late Ming period distinctive painting style. Although this school emerged in the middle Ming period, it has had profound long-lasting effect on Chinese painting tradition that extended not only to late Ming period, but had significant manifestation in Qing painting period (Lin, 1967). Historically, despite great variety in numbers and geographic locations, the artistic schools of late Ming can be limited to a few most distinctive ones, namely Xu Wei School, Don Qichang School, Huating School, Zhao Zuo, Susong School, and Chen chun School. Walter Benjamin has argued that the Art for Art’s Sake movement in the later half of the nineteenth century was a reaction to the commercialization of culture and the possible threats it posed to the elite’s exclusive claim to art. The commercialisation and popularisation of art apparently.
Thursday, July 25, 2019
British Slavery in the Middle of the 18th Century Essay
British Slavery in the Middle of the 18th Century - Essay Example This paper declares that in Britain colonies, the white masters owned black domestics and the number of black servants one had showed their position or wealth. With time, owning slaves became a trendy habit and slaves were imported to satisfy these tastes. In England, slaves were more than rejects and worthless people in the growing Atlantic empire. Slavery suited Africans since the whites regarded them as less human, which then made them predators of slavery system that removed them from their homelands and cast them ashore in Europe particularly Britain. In Britain, forcing slaves into horrible labour involved justifications from the Bible and ancient Greek practise.From the discussion it is clear that the definition of Britain as the largest slave trafficker globally was highly due to London. It was in London where the earliest slave traffickers like John Hawkins lived in the 16th century. In addition, the early seventeenth century saw the creation of monopoly firms by Royal Charter with the objective of slave trade. Slave trade companies located in London included The Royal Africa Company and the Royal Adventurers. Ports in London played the crucial role of sending ships to Africa and America, and handling and processing most slave-produced goods and sugar into Britain. Obtaining slaves from African states was not an easy task and at times, it involved random raids by Europeans before becoming a regular commerce.
Wednesday, July 24, 2019
Argument Essay - should school be separated by gender
Argument - should school be separated by gender - Essay Example These trends continued in many institutions that were slow to change, or believed that gender-segregation created a more functional scholastic environment. This essay argues that gender segregation in the scholastic environment is a misguided policy because of the nature of school as used for student development, the problem of stereotypes, the learning experience, and the undemocratic process of such segregation. A counter perspective is also considered. Large amounts of people reject the notion that schools should be segregated along gender lines. There are a variety of reasons that support this perspective. One of the prominent reasons in this mode of understanding is that the scholastic environment does not simply function as a means of promoting education, but also operates as a means of preparing students for the real world and the democratic process. In these regards, restricting school to one gender creates an artificial environment that is not at all reflective of the real world. When this notion is considered on a deeper level one also understands that the process of the scholastic environment functions on a developmental level as well. For instance, children learn how to interact with the opposite sex in romantic and platonic ways. For an individual to successfully function in the real world it becomes necessary for them to learn to navigate such relationships (Barton & Cohen). Individuals that support gender segregation t hen are shortsighted in that they fail to recognize the strong amount of learning that occurs between classes. Within the understanding of students’ development, one also considers the nature of stereotypes. Proponents of gender segregation in the classroom have argued that because of gender differences learning can be more effective and efficient in a gender-segregated classroom. While such theories are rooted in educational theory, a number of people have challenged such
Tuesday, July 23, 2019
The Power of Many Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
The Power of Many - Coursework Example ntials, access to data and resources, personal acknowledgement, skill improvement, and a sense of involvement and effectiveness in resolving community issues. In comparison, individual efforts increase costs by raising the time necessary for organization, inadequate services and resources necessary for contribution, and primary burnout. By pinpointing the particular benefits and limitations to contribution to the engagement attempt, community leaders can install the proper incentives (C.S. Mott Foundation, 2010). Approaches that can effect progressive social change are nonviolence and traditional political affairs approaches. The nonviolent approach includes peaceful measures and courses of action that do not involve traditional politics. For instance, conventions, neighborhood watches, isolation, industrial action, sit-ins, fasts, and forming alternative political associations. A community member like a demonstrator can undertake peaceful approaches to not only organize a community but to prevent harm as well. For example, a peaceful approach of demonstrating can prevent loggers from cutting down trees. The other approach, traditional politics, is the ordinary method of community organization that I deem practical and relevant to me. Politics exploits the collective power of community organization (Akoto-Abutiate, 2014, p.
Department of Social Work Essay Example for Free
Department of Social Work Essay The objective of this paper is to show or define theories in the field of social work specifically in handling and working with emotionally disturbed youth and which theory or theories will best help guide this practice. This paper will also talk about areas I feel most confident and strongest in as well as the areas I feel least confident in. It will also show the reasons and factors that contribute to both my strengths and weaknesses. Social Work Defined â€Å"Social Work is the professional activity of helping individuals, groups, or communities enhance or restore their capacity for social functioning and creating societal conditions favorable to this goal ( as cited, Department of Social Work). †Because of the their objective is to help people and communities, the practice is made up of principles, applications of values. â€Å"Social Work is concerned and involved with the interactions between people and the institutions of society that affect the ability of people to accomplish life tasks, realize aspirations and values, and alleviate distress ( Baer and Frederico; Department of Social Work). †According to Baer and Frederico, the purposes of social work may be broken down into 3: enhance the problem-solving; promote effective humane operations; and link people with a system that give them services, resources and opportunities (Department of Social Work). Trauma Informed Care Trauma informed care pertains to organization or programs that services individuals who have survived a traumatic experience. These individuals or survivors are those who have been physically and/or sexually abuse and other experiences that leads to trauma. Often times, these experiences may direct an individual to mental health and some other type of disorder. Organizations that help people with this condition, alters and adjusts in order to keep an understanding on how trauma affects the individual seeking for help (SAMHSA National Mental Health Information Center). Theories in Social Work â€Å"Theories have been developed since it became clear that there were similar patterns or repeating cycles of behaviour both in an individuals life and in the lives of lots of different people (Towland, 2010). †There are a lot of theories or ideas on how to go about social work and how to do the practice for both professionals and students taking up this course. According to Towland in his essay on â€Å"Social Work Theory and Practice Making the Links†a theory is seen to help describe what is happening, explain why it is happening and predict what will happen next. Towland has also mentioned in his essay that he urges to consider the following theories: 1. ) Recognise that no single theory can explain everything; 2. ) Recognise that some theoretical approaches just dont work with some people; 3. ) Take a critical approach to theory; 4. ) Always apply the value base to theory; 5. ) Never be intimidated by theory. In relation to the second and third theories that Towland has enumerated, people are made and created differently. What might have worked with one client may not work on the other. As a social worker who works with emotionally disturbed youth, taking note on why a certain approach is not working with a particular patient is important as well as thinking and finding other ways and means to help and understand the individual. Theories in general help practitioners get a grasp and a clear picture of what is happening and why it is happening. It enables practitioners and workers validate their actions and treatment, give a more accurate bearing on how to deal and work with these individuals and are able to give a precise rationalization on the consequences of a particular treatment or action done. †The aim is that this will lead to social work becoming more widely accountable and ultimately more respected (Towland, 2010). †Working with rural mental health programs â€Å"Establishing ongoing trauma-informed services is one of the most difficult challenges facing rural mental health programs. Schools, community groups, and natural helpers try to meet needs but often go unsupported (Children’s Voice, 2007). †Working with the youth in rural places is much more of a challenge because these people mostly live in small towns and places that medical financial help are in dire or is not greatly extended to the families, helping and treating the youth who are emotionally disturb becomes a bit more difficult and gives more work to the practitioners. They work harder and in longer hours with lesser pays and days off. Working with the developmentally disabled is a challenging task for me and this may not be my strongest area and point because of my lack of patience and experience on this particular field. But although this maybe the case, being able help children and being able to understand the reasons of their trauma and finding ways to help them grow out of their trauma is gratify in to me because I know I am able to give aide to these people. Explaining to the family and being able to give them light and understanding of their child’s or children’s situation and what might be the good and bad consequences of the treatment fulfills me as a social worker. My professional philosophy is shaped by not just what was passed on to me by my parents and mentors, but is and was shaped by my experiences and what I have seen in life. My personal beliefs and concepts in life that may contribute to my profession are: being a role model to not just my family but with the people I work with as well, the value I have for myself, thus, valuing my profession and what it stand for, its aims and objectives, and most importantly is my ability to reach out and help others. By doing this, I am not just able to share myself to others but be able to contribute to society as well. References Department of Social Work. (2008). â€Å"Definition of Social Work. †Retrieved on May 30, 2010 from http://www. wright. edu/cola/Dept/social_work/sw_definition. htm SAMHSA National Mental Health Information Center. (n. d). â€Å"What is Trauma-Informed Care? †Retrieved on May 30, 2010 from http://mentalhealth. samhsa. gov/nctic/trauma. asp#care Ohio Department of Mental Health. (n. d. ). â€Å"Trauma Informed Care†Retrieved on May 30, 2010 from http://mentalhealth. ohio. gov/what-we-do/provide/trauma-informed-care/index. shtml Towland, C. (2010). â€Å"Social Work Theory and Practice Making the Links. †Retrieved on May 30, 2010 from http://ezinearticles. com/? Social-Work-Theory-and-PracticeMaking-the-Linksid=1956566 Childrens Voice. (2007). â€Å"Nctsn Center Supports Rural Trauma-informed Care. †Volume: 16. Issue: 5. Child Welfare League of America, Inc. Retrieved on May 30, 2010 from www. questia. com
Monday, July 22, 2019
Component of Computer System Essay Example for Free
Component of Computer System Essay Output devices: Monitor printer, plotter and voice output device, Modem, Automotive navigation system, Projector. Peripheral device that converts machine-readable information into people-readable information. Processing devices: CPU, Motherboard, Chipset, bus, RAM. Hardware components process information within the computer system. Storage devices: Hard disk drives and compact disk drives. Hardware components allow data to be stored within a computer system. Software components of a computer system have no physical presence; they are stored in digital form within computer memory. System software is an operating system designed to operate and control the computer hardware and to provide a platform for running application software. Utility software: anti-virus software, firewalls, disk defragmenters. Which helps to maintain and protect the computer system but does not directly interface with the hardware. Applications software: Web browsers, Office software, Games, Multimedia Software, Database Software, and Graphic Software. Designed to allow the user of the system complete a specific task or set of tasks. Different types of computer software. Programming software, system software and application software are the three main types of computer software used in computer networking. Programmers use the programming software to develop the programming languages necessary to run computer software. Compliers, interpreters, linkers and text editors are some of the basic tools used in programming software. System software offers a protective shield to all software applications. It also provides support to the physical components of computers. System software †¢ Operating system software(windows, Linux, Mac) †¢ Utility programs (anti-virus software, firewalls, disk defragmenters. †¢ Library programs †¢ Translator software (Compiler, assembler, interpreter) Application software is used for commercial purpose. The application software is widely used in educational, business and medical fields. Industrial automation, databases, business software and medical software prove to be of great help in the respective fields. Web browsers, Office software, Games, Multimedia Software, Database Software, and Graphic Software. Application software †¢ General purpose application software. †¢ Special purpose application software. †¢ Bespoke application software
Sunday, July 21, 2019
Steps in Formulating Business Strategy
Steps in Formulating Business Strategy What is strategy? Why is it so challenging for organisations? Introduction: â€Å"Strategy†It’s [A1]a one word but it have a whole language in it. Strategy can be describe in its best meaning that it’s the way of Art and Science of Planning And marshalling [A2]the resources for their most affective an offensive use to bring about a desired future. Strategy is the way through which an organization can move from one milestone to other in pursuit of the overall goals. Without Strategy a company can be like a person without its nervous system so if an Organization wants to move in a race with other companies they have to make solid strategies for their organization. The term Strategy is derived from the Greek â€Å"strategos†meaning a general set of man oeuvres carried out to overcome an enemy. Strategy mostly involves to Set goals determine the actions to achieve goals and mobilizing resources to execute the actions. The main them of strategy is how the end goal will be achieved through the mean (Resources). There three main compon ents of any strategy (Petros DeSimone, 2010). 1) Diagnosis 2) Guiding Policy: That will define how to deal with those challenges 3) Action Plans: Its Designed to carry out the guiding policy Diagnosis: This step is basic Component for any strategy planner though this the worker of an organization get able know which kind of challenge is this it will and it will explain whole scenario of challenge to the worker of an organization (Petros DeSimone, 2010). Guiding Policy: As a worker of an organization get Diagnosis of a challenge to its organization then a guiding policy will be needed which will define how to deal with that challenge which they are facing? Action plan: After Guiding policy the worker needs an Action Plans which is designed to carry out that guiding policy Beside these three basic components strategy involves two major processes which are 1) Formulating Strategy 2) Implementing Strategy (Petros DeSimone, 2010). Formulating strategy: This step basically depends upon the components of strategy. Formulation involves analyzing the environment or situation, making diagnosis and developing the guiding policy. Implementing Strategy: Implementation refers to the action plans taken to achieve goals which are established by the guiding policy. [A3] Why strategy is so challenging for organizations? To run a business or organization strategies are needed without that organization or a company can’t reach to our desired goal[A4]. Strategies are like a soul for organizations, because with time they have to face tough challenges and to complete those challenges strategies plays important role.[A5] With time to time the board of director change their strategies because of Competitor which are in market and need to unique strategy through which they can produce the result in order to maintain the fruitful result in a reliability of specific organization (Goldhirsch, et, all, 2011). Here are some points which strategy make rs thinks before making strategy and this indicates why Strategies are so challenging for an organizations Strategy Formulation and Implementation: Strategy formulation and implementation areseparate,[A6] distinguishable parts of the strategic management process of business. Logically, implementation follows formulation; one cannot implement something until that something exists (Donnelly, et, all, 2009). Without formulation and implementation the business cannot give the fruit which organization desires. Formulation and implementation is like a two legs of strategy which able to move it on their way Execution takes time: The successful implementation of strategy takes more time than its formulation. This can challenge managers’ attention to execution details. The longer time frame can also detract from managers’ attention to strategic goals (Donnelly, et, all, 2009). Controls must be set to provide feedback and keep management abreast of external â€Å"shocks†and changes. The process of execution must be dynamic and adaptive, responding to unanticipated events. This imperative challenges managers responsible for execution. Understanding uncertainties and risks: In business the board of director has to think on the answer of the question that: how did we get here? Answering this question is a more difficult for deciding what policies and actions will push future performance in the desired direction.And while moving in that direction the directors have to think about the risks and uncertainties in business and for limiting and low down effect of that risks they have to make best strategy because if that strategy fails on that risks their company will not able to stand in market as they were before (Jansen Janssen, 2010). Assessing and selecting among options: The goal is to select now, without perfect information, the strongest set of actions that will move the business towards its goals. Here it is important to consider not only the potential ‘bottom line’ benefits, but also the each of option under uncertain future conditions and the relative difficulty and time required for implementation (Jansen Janssen, 2010). Customer Retention: IF an organization doesn’t have an effective business strategy for costumer they will lose the customers easily and for that organization needs Develop a program for following up on customers, and for staying in touch with repeat customers to make sure your products are working properly. Organization has tried to find new ways to help the customer with your product. When customers call in with problems, there needs to be an established and efficient customer service strategy in place to reduce customer stress (MandiĆ¡, Basili, Harjumaa, Oivo Markkula, 2010, September). Customer follow-up procedures and efficient customer service programs are essential to customer retention and sales revenue. Clarity in Direction of Activities: Strategies focus on direction of activities by specifying what activities are to be undertaken for achieving organizational objectives (MandiĆ¡, Basili, Harjumaa, Oivo Markkula, 2010, September). They make the organizational objectives more clear and specific. For example, a business organization may define its objective as profit earning or a non-business organization may define its objective as social objective. strategies will provide how profit objective can be sharply defined in terms of how much profits is to be earned and what resources Of how much profit is to be earned and what resources will be required for that. When objectives are spelled out in these terms, they provide clear direction to per-sons in the organization responsible for implementing various courses of action. Most people perform better if they know clearly what they are expected to do and where their organization is going (MandiĆ¡, Basili, Harjumaa, Oi vo Markkula, 2010, September). Organizational Management: Management of any organization is playing a pivotal role in order to maintain strategy and the business on the zenith. This is the management which makes all success possible, through assurance of team work. This is the management which make the company out from the peril and which safe the company from any difficult situation. The role of management is much more authentic and much more systematic which includes the system much provide the way to accomplished the given tasks by higher authorities. This is the reason through which staffs are organized and all works are managed (MandiĆ¡, Basili, Harjumaa, Oivo Markkula, 2010, September). Feasibility Study: Feasibility study is most essential in order to maintain the work of the firm and for strategy planning. Through this feasibility process management of our firm must be active to know that what is actual amount which is use to initiate any business or to maintain any firm. Feasibility study is the keen interest of the person which effectively works in order to maintain the system more actively and more systematically (MandiĆ¡, Basili, Harjumaa, Oivo Markkula, 2010, September). The feasibility study tells our organization that how much budget we have to initiate any project in UAE or to maintain it into the sustainability and harmonizing it. Competitor Analysis: The competitor analysis is the techniques which must be known by the manager or higher authorities’ officials to maintain the status of their company into peak. This is the analysis in which a manager forecasting the capabilities and future position of his own firm and compare it with other firm. After getting result he engages to work more for the sake of maintenance of his firm. In UAE the competition in business is getting increase day by day (MandiĆ¡, Basili, Harjumaa, Oivo Markkula, 2010, September). We must have to maintain the marketing and apply different techniques in order to beat the market value of our client. It also considering of following and take out the anti ways to beat the competition of your competition. We have to promotes our policies and provide the best results with best deals of facilitates to attract the more clients (MandiĆ¡, Basili, Harjumaa, Oivo Markkula, 2010, September). [A7] Conclusion: To be on successive path organization or company should have to think about what best strategy they would make so they can stand in market and beat their competitors in marketing line. Without strategies company will not able to stand a day and if the directors of organizations want fruitful organization then they have to make first pillar first which is Strategy. References: Donnelly, J. E., Blair, S. N., Jakicic, J. M., Manore, M. M., Rankin, J. W., Smith, B. K. (2009). American College of Sports Medicine Position Stand. Appropriate physical activity intervention strategies for weight loss and prevention of weight regain for adults.Medicine and science in sports and exercise,41(2), 459-471. Retrieved from[A8] Goldhirsch, A. 2., Wood, W. C., Coates, A. S., Gelber, R. D., Thà ¼rlimann, B., Senn, H. J. (2011). Strategies for subtypesâ€â€dealing with the diversity of breast cancer: highlights of the St Gallen International Expert Consensus on the Primary Therapy of Early Breast Cancer 2011.Annals of oncology, mdr304. Retrieved from[A9] Jansen, F., Janssen, D. (2010). Effects of positive politeness strategies in business letters.Journal of pragmatics,42(9), 2531-2548 retrieved from MandiĆ¡, V., Basili, V., Harjumaa, L., Oivo, M., Markkula, J. (2010, September). Utilizing GQM+ Strategies for business value analysis: An approach for evaluating business goals. InProceedings of the 2010 ACM-IEEE International Symposium on Empirical Software Engineering and Measurement(p. 20). ACM. Retrieved from Petros, R. A., DeSimone, J. M. (2010). Strategies in the design of nanoparticles for therapeutic applications.Nature Reviews Drug Discovery,9(8), 615-627. Retrieved from[A10] [A1]Weak Start [A2]And should have been smaller [A3]Could have elaborayed [A4]Our desired goal, means? [A5]Weak sentence [A6]Why it is italics? [A7]Kindly arrange the document so as to relate to the topic and present strong arguments. [A8]Irrelevant reference [A9]Irrelevant reference [A10]All references are utter nonsense, nothing is relevant
Saturday, July 20, 2019
catcher in the rye :: essays research papers
The Catcher in the Rye is the definitive novel of a young man’s growing pains, of growing up in pain. Growing up is a ritual – more deadly than religion, more complicated than baseball, for there seem to be no rules. Everything is experienced for the first time.†To What extent do you agree with this passage? Do you agree that Catcher in the Rye is the definitive novel of a young man’s growing pains, of growing up in pain? Do you agree that growing up is a ritual? You need to identify whether or not you agree with this passage, and then you need to justify/support your answer. I do agree with the statement classing Catcher in the Rye as â€Å"the definitive novel of a young man’s growing pains.†I do not agree with the statement â€Å"growing up is a ritual.†Certainly J.D. Salinger’s novel is focused around the pain of growing up; a novel about a young character’s growth into maturity, but this novel explores the process from a different perspective. Holden Caulfield is an unusual protagonist for supporting this theme because his central goal is to resist the process of maturity itself. According to Webster’s New World Dictionary, Holden’s last name Caulfield literally symbolizes caul, the membrane enveloping the head of a child at birth.†Holden fears change and is overwhelmed by complexity. Holden desires everything to be easily understandable and eternally fixed. During a visit to the museum of natural history Holden uses exhibits to explain his resistance to change, â€Å"The best thing, though, in that museum was that everything always stayed right where it was. Nobody’d move. You could go there a hundred thousand times, and that Eskimo would still be just finished catching those two fish. Nobody’d be different. The only thing that would be different would be you (Salinger, 121).†Holden resists maturity and is a frightened teenager, he is frightened because he is guilty of the sins he criticizes in others and because he cannot understand the world around him. Holden however, refuses to acknowledge this fear, expressing it only on a few occasions – for example, when he talks about sex admitting that â€Å"sex is something I just don’t understand. I swear to God I don’t (Salinger, 63).†Rather than acknowledging that adulthood scares and mystifies him, Holden invents a fantasy that adulthood is a world of superficiality and hypocrisy, while childhood is a world of innocence, curiosity and honesty. catcher in the rye :: essays research papers The Catcher in the Rye is the definitive novel of a young man’s growing pains, of growing up in pain. Growing up is a ritual – more deadly than religion, more complicated than baseball, for there seem to be no rules. Everything is experienced for the first time.†To What extent do you agree with this passage? Do you agree that Catcher in the Rye is the definitive novel of a young man’s growing pains, of growing up in pain? Do you agree that growing up is a ritual? You need to identify whether or not you agree with this passage, and then you need to justify/support your answer. I do agree with the statement classing Catcher in the Rye as â€Å"the definitive novel of a young man’s growing pains.†I do not agree with the statement â€Å"growing up is a ritual.†Certainly J.D. Salinger’s novel is focused around the pain of growing up; a novel about a young character’s growth into maturity, but this novel explores the process from a different perspective. Holden Caulfield is an unusual protagonist for supporting this theme because his central goal is to resist the process of maturity itself. According to Webster’s New World Dictionary, Holden’s last name Caulfield literally symbolizes caul, the membrane enveloping the head of a child at birth.†Holden fears change and is overwhelmed by complexity. Holden desires everything to be easily understandable and eternally fixed. During a visit to the museum of natural history Holden uses exhibits to explain his resistance to change, â€Å"The best thing, though, in that museum was that everything always stayed right where it was. Nobody’d move. You could go there a hundred thousand times, and that Eskimo would still be just finished catching those two fish. Nobody’d be different. The only thing that would be different would be you (Salinger, 121).†Holden resists maturity and is a frightened teenager, he is frightened because he is guilty of the sins he criticizes in others and because he cannot understand the world around him. Holden however, refuses to acknowledge this fear, expressing it only on a few occasions – for example, when he talks about sex admitting that â€Å"sex is something I just don’t understand. I swear to God I don’t (Salinger, 63).†Rather than acknowledging that adulthood scares and mystifies him, Holden invents a fantasy that adulthood is a world of superficiality and hypocrisy, while childhood is a world of innocence, curiosity and honesty.
Michael Manns The Insider - History Redefined :: Movie Film Essays
Michael Mann's The Insider - History Redefined [1] Growing up, I had always been a gullible child. If someone had told me the sky was falling, I would inevitably look up. As my naivety led me to be the butt of many jokes, I grew less and less trusting. I learned that if something looks too good to be true, then it probably is. I learned not to buy products from infomercials. I even had to sadly face the reality that the WWF wrestling matches I so faithfully watched each weekend were fake. My eyes had been forced open and made to look at the light. But when I looked back down at the world around me, my vision was blurred. I had become cynical. [2] In retrospect, this change was a somewhat positive one. I began questioning everything, taking nothing for granted. I watched movies and television shows with a look of disgust, knowing that the unlikely scenarios portrayed on the screen could never happen in real life. When the Reel American History project came my way, I knew it was the perfect playground for my inquisitive mind and distrustful nature. I thought about how I would be a detective, uncovering the real facts about what happened. Nothing would get by me! I imagined myself picking apart the film, scene by scene, and raking the filmmaker over the coals for daring to manipulate history. [3] After choosing to study The Insider, I sat down to watch it. For close to three hours I was riveted by the drama unfolding on the screen. I was completely swept up in the story. As the last scene faded away, I sat silently with my emotions: sadness for Jeffrey Wigand's losses, an utter hatred for the entire tobacco industry (at that point, synonymous with "evil" in my mind), and a deep sense of admiration for my new hero, Lowell Bergman. But then a new frame came up on the screen and interrupted my thoughts. I squinted to see what the small print said: "Subsequent to the events dramatized here, the tobacco industry in 1998 settled the lawsuits filed against it by Mississippi and 49 other states for $246 billion.
Friday, July 19, 2019
Media - The Relationship of Self and Advertising Essay -- Exploratory
The Relationship of Self and Advertising     Advertising has an extremely strong hold on society. Due to the overwhelming presence of mass media in popular culture, products are often recognized solely by how they are portrayed in their advertisements. Regardless of how truthful or misleading it may be, advertising is how companies spread the message about what they have to offer to the public. Advertising appears in various forms, including printed material, television, audio, and even down to its simplest form-word of mouth. Without good advertising, a product would not succeed and would lack added publicity given to it through advertising. Consumers would not always be informed of the best products and prices without ads. Both the corporation and the consumer directly benefit from advertising. However, potential buyers should proceed with caution. There is misleading information circulating through advertisements on a daily basis. Products are often glamorized and appear as something they really are not. The truth is that people can be easily influenced by advertisements that appeal to them. Until this group of consumers can see through the hype often associated with advertising, they will continue to be mislead by the ads presented before them.  Manufacturers' dependence upon advertising is evident on everyday television, but is especially obvious during Super Bowl night, one of America's most hallowed evenings. A few seconds of advertising to the countless number of football fans watching the Super Bowl can cost businesses millions of dollars. If this were not an effective means of drawing customers to a product, nationally renowned companies would not spend this much money for just a f... ...lf. The two (advertising and self) help each other out. Advertising communicates information to the self while benefitting it most of the time. The self keeps advertising alive by purchasing the displayed products and following the media as closely as it does. Despite occasional glamorizations of products by advertising, the public should appreciate advertising and enjoy the ads for what they are. Advertising should inform and assist the consumer in purchasing a product and not be the only reason one purchases something. Take them for what they're worth; advertisements are good!  Works Cited Berger, John. Ways of Seeing. London: Penguin, 1972: 129-54. Scheidell, John M. Advertising, Prices, and Consumer Reaction. Washington, D.C.: AEI Publishing, 1978. Sutherland, Max. Advertising and the Mind of the Consumer. Sydney: Griffin, 1993.
Thursday, July 18, 2019
Informative Speech on 9/11 Planes Essay
How many of you can still remember exactly where you was on 9/11? I remember I was in my 2nd grade classroom and hearing over the intercom that our teachers needed to turn on the T.V. As we began watching the horrific events that was taking place and yet to take place, we was all confused on what was happening, and why. We just knew what we was watching was not normal. The World Trade Center attacks were part of a strategic plan of a terrorist group al-Qaeda. Throughout the speech, I will be mapping out the attacks as they unraveled. Four planes were hijacked, each intended for different targets. According to the New York Times, the flights that were hijacked included American Airlines Flight 11, United Airlines Flight 175, American Airlines 77, and United Airlines Flight 93 (Schememann A1.) American Airlines Flight 11, which carried five Al-Qaeda terrorists, 81 passengers, and 11 crewmembers, was the first plane to hit the North Twin Tower. The flight was scheduled from Boston, Massachusetts to L.A. California. Within fifteen minutes of that flight, the Al-Qaeda hijackers had injured three people, killed one, and forcibly made their way into the cockpit, and overtook the captain and first officer. Mohamed Atta was the hijacker that took over the planes control, and was in control of the events that followed. The air control system realized something was wrong when they lost all contact with American Airlines Flight 11, until Mohamed Atta, accidently sent a message to the air control system instead of the passengers in the plane. At 8:46 local time, the aircraft crashed into the North tower of the World Trade Center. 102 minutes after the impact, the North tower of the World Trade center collapsed. United Airlines Flight 175 was the second passenger flight, which carried five hijackers and 60 people, which was boarded to go from Boston, Massachusetts, to Los Angeles, California. Within 30 minutes of take off, the hijackers had forcefully entered the cockpit and overruled the pilot and first officer, allowing Marwan al-Shehhi to control the airplane from then on. Unlike American Airlines Flight 11, Airlines Flight 175 kept their air traffic control system on, and it was visible on New York Center’s radar. Many of the passengers and also crew members made phones calls from the phones located on the plane. 17 minutes after the North Tower was hit by American Airlines Flight 11, the United Airlines Flight 175 then struck the South Tower, which was the only impact from September 11, 2001 that was seen live on television as it occurred. 56 minutes after the impact on the South Tower, of the World Trade center, the building collapsed. American Airlines Flight 77, which killed the five Al-Qaeda terrorists and 59 passengers boarded the plane, and also the 125 people that were in the building of the third attack, the Pentagon located in Washington, D.C. The flight was departing from Dulles, Virginia to the destination of Los Angeles, California. It took the five hijackers 35 minutes to intrude the cockpit; Hani Jonjour then took over as the pilot of American Airlines Flight 77. The western side of the Pentagon at 9:37 was hit. At 10:10 A.M. a section of the Pentagon had collapsed, it took days for firefighters to extinguish the massive fire. United Airlines Flight 93, withheld four Al-Qaeda terrorists and 44 passengers, crashed into a field near Stonycreek, Township, Pennsylvania. It only took the Al-Qaeda members 46 minutes to take control over the plane. The passengers of the plane had decided they were not going to let the hijackers hit their target and kill them without an attempt to recover the planes control. The passengers on the plane were in touch with people from the phones, to be aware that the World Trade Center had been hit, along with the Pentagon. The passengers attempted to gain back the control of United Airlines Flight 93, and during this attempt, the plane crashed into the field in Stonycreek Township. United Airlines Flight 93 was the only plane that did not reach its hijackers’ target. Many of us was aware of the events that took place on 9/11, but really didn’t know much about the passengers that was boarded those four planes on September 11, 2001, a day that forever change America. On Flight 11, Charles â€Å"Chuck†Jones, 48, almost made it into outer space. He was qualified to fly on the space shuttle and was scheduled to fly a mission when the 1987 Challenger explosion indefinitely postponed launched. On Flight 77, Suzanna Calley, 42, of California, would have celebrated her 20th wedding anniversary on Wednesday, September 12th, and her 43rd birthday on Monday, September 17. On Flight 175, Ruth McCourt, 45, and her daughter, Juliana, age 4, were aboard United Airline Flight 175. Ruth McCourt’s brother, Ronnie, escaped the ground floor of the World Trade Center. On Flight 93, Todd Beamer, 32, leaves a pregnant wife and two sons. His family believes that he died when he and other passengers tried recovering Flight 93 from the hijackers. The flights of 11, 77, 175, and 93 has forever change the life of America and on 9/11, there will always be a moment of silence for the people that bravely lost their lives that day. Work Cited
Wednesday, July 17, 2019
‘Disraeli did infinitely more for the working classes than Gladstone.’ Do you agree?
Both men, who served as immemorial Ministers, improve umpteen a(prenominal) institutions with m all of them effecting the rub downwardss menage like training (bringing up the running(a) mannikin), batch union ( tendinging the running(a)(a) family unit fight for work w experts), popular health (living conditions affecting the running(a) variant) and licensing (the counsel umteen functional program people passed the time), on with the electoral institution (workers being equal to vote on the matters which the work upon, much(prenominal) as eventory conditions and command).Many historians, much(prenominal) as William Kuhn, argue that William portmanteau record, the large Prime Minister, passed many another(prenominal) former(a) reforms as well to service of process the workss programme, including the B each(prenominal)ot roleplay of 1872. However, whatsoever historians, such as Monypenny and Buckle, say that benzoin Disraeli, the Conservative Pri me Minister, did much to facilitate the working class, including passing the southward large Reform phone number of 1867. The contract of slyness union reforms was heavily involved in twain Prime Ministers marches of offices, to which Disraeli faceed to do more(prenominal) than for, even though Gladstone provided the building blocks for the reforms.Gladstone was the first PM to accredit the rights of slyness unions to live on. His principle of 1871, the Trade marriage ceremony process, gave the unions legal protection and the freedom to exist and collect subs. On first reading, then, it would seem that Gladstone truly understood the concerns of working men and collective security against unscrupulous employers. However, the process did non allow Unions to go on strike, due to a clause which failed to define intimidation clearly, which even a bad look could send psyche to jail, which irritated the Radicals.It was a half-hearted measure that appall the Whig-con servative elements and frustrated the hopes of working men, as the adaptation was disconnected in courts. Many sawing machine it as a pointless decision, and it took Disraeli in 1875 to allow unions the right to strike. Disraelis legislation differed from Gladstones in that he was much more pr human actionical in his social reforms. Gladstones reforms mandatory cooperation from the working classes it places demands on them to respond.Disraelis plan of attack was to provide non-controversial legislation that was beneficial to all in society, including letting the Employers and Workmen proceeding fuck off a clause that accepted that breaches of handle such as pay and working hours by employers and workmen to be treated as offences under civil law, with even black lovage MacDonald, a manage unionist and a Liberal MP, saying that the Conservatives have do more for the working classes in sextuplet years than the Liberals had in sixty.This shows that in trade union reform, Disr aeli did more for the working class due to effectively allowing peaceful picketing. another(prenominal) issue that Disraeli and Gladstone both drop reforms into was public health to which it seemed Gladstone did more to encourage the working class. Gladstone, in 1872, passed the universe Health be, which established the Urban & country Sanitary Authorities for public health in the topical anaesthetic areas. This all came from a Commission in 1871 saying that the salutary laws should be made uniform. in time though these were abolished in a Local Government Act in 1894, the 1872 Act led the right smart for Urban and Rural District Councils that steady run to do run to this day. On Disraelis attempt, he passed the Public Health Act of 1875, due to the actions of George Sclater-Booth, a Conservative MP for Health. The Act brought to peeher all the antecedent legislation under a newly established system of power and checks for issues such as sewage/draining and public toilet s.This was seen as a massive achievement due to the fact that on that point was no public health measures for the next 60 years later the passage of the act. However, with the fact that it he paved the way for local government control that still exists today to function the working class, Gladstone did more to foster the working class than Disraeli did in the public health reform. The issue of licensing snuck into both Prime Ministers time. In both cases, it didnt do any good for the ruling party.For Gladstones, the 1872 Licensing Act gave JPs the right to grant licenses to publicans, to fix direct hours and check for the adulteration of the alcohol. Gladstone introduced the act due to the commonness of widespread imbibition in 19th Century Britain. However, it didnt do any good for the Liberals, due to that rationality of the act which disappointed dickens Liberal pressure groups of the party (mostly hit issue MPs), who thought the act was too lenient. at that place is also historical view from Lowe that the Act affected a positive long-lasting shift of the publicans and brewers of the Tory Party.Lowe then observes that the Licensing Act was study cause of the Liberal defeat in 1874. The same reform ideas went into Disraelis second term with the Intoxicating Liquoring Act, which again, curtailed opening hours and in the end, bright nobody. Even though both attempts failed to contour out the problem of licensing, Gladstone lost a lot of working class support due to the licensing Act, as thither were a number of near riots to go for closing hours, and as Lowe writes, many brewers went to theTories after the 1872 Act, so Disraeli seemed not to harm the working class as much as Gladstone did to his own party and the working class. An issue the two honourable Prime Ministers shared in working on education, to which Disraeli seemed to do more for the working class. Gladstones work on the Forsters Education Act established the principle of universa l simple(a) education. The state was taking on gameboard the responsibility and the costs of educating all children up to a certain age.This had a come to with meritocracy because Gladstone wanted the working classes to be aspiring education would encourage workers to be more reflective and focus on moral and ethical progress, furthering one of Gladstones aims. This was not necessarily appreciated by the working man and woman. Gladstones rare ideals were very far removed from the insouciant experiences of the ordinary family who were trying to scrape together a living. Ensuring that children had to receive informing meant that there was less money coming into the family household.Disraelis Education Act 1876, clarified Forsters Act, by placing a duty on parents to ensure that their children received elementary guidance in reading, writing and arithmetic created naturalise attendance committees, which could compel attendance, for districts where there were no school boards an d the poor law guardians were wedded permission to table service with the payment of school fees, giving a way of working class families a chance to get a child in education and made employment of children under 10 illegal, incentivising parents to send their kids off to school.This shows that in education neither Gladstone or Disraeli had any significant understanding of the plight of working class lives especially in a pre-welfare age. However, since Disraeli was able to further the work through by Gladstone, I believe that Disraeli managed to help the working class more, due to that managed to help the working class children get into school. one final comparison between the two figureheads of Gladstone and Disraeli that we can make is the reforms electorally.Gladstone passed the voter turnout Act of 1872, which made voting in elections happen by secret vote and that candidates shouldnt be nominated at the hustings. The Act enhanced the right of the voters to cast their votes without intimidation, which delight many working class people, as they didnt have to vote to their landlords wishes. Disraeli however, did pass the Second Great Reform Act, which extended the right to vote still further down the class ladder, addingjust short of a million voters, including many working men, and doubling the electorate to almost two million voters in England and Wales alone.Even though both prime ministers were favored in helping the working class secure their say in government, I believe that Gladstone did more to help the working class, with the upper class getting less voting power with their single ballot and that landlords couldnt compel their tenants to vote the way that they wanted to. There was a argue for the differences in why Gladstone and Disraeli did divers(prenominal) things.Gladstone, from his strict religious beliefs, thought that by helping the working class, they would become more moral. In this case, Gladstones reforms in Licensing were due to the lousiness of the large problematic situation he found in drinking houses. As a committed Anglican Christian, he believed that the church, which was the official state religion of the UK at the time, had a important role of reason Gods plan to help people and warn them from sin, and by helping the people, he would be seen as helping Gods creation.Disraeli, on the other hand, perused reforms, which many were compromises on behalf of the elite. One of the principal(prenominal) aims of Disraeli was to maintain the traditional aristocratic institution of the country, and this was seen in many of his reforms, such as the education reforms, which was designed to uphold the authorisation of squire and parson in country-bred England. The reforms werent echtly meant to help the poor, they were there to help settle a possible class conflict of ideas and interests. There are many historical opinions about who did more to help the working class.There are some, such as Lee, who cla im that there was no real worked out legislation programme, more of a typical 19th Century political leader paying off electoral debt. For Gladstone, Matthew describes his pattern of reforming as the reforms on the inefficient administrations of the UK, presentation that he reformed to keep government expenditure low and wanted to discharge people from outdated restrictions, like he did with trade union reforms, which were giving trade unions legal protection.In conclusion, I believe that with these categories, I agree that Disraeli did do more, but the word infinitely is too far for my understanding. Even though the reforms were to protect the interest of the aristocrats and gave more the working class, Gladstone gave the building blocks for many of the reforms, such as giving trade unions the legal protection that they wanted and tantrum the way for local councils with the public health reforms.
? Explain the Continued Fascination with Katherina in ‘the Taming of the Shrew’
?explain the move fascination with Katherina in The Taming of the Shrew Audiences observe to be hypnotised and relate with Katherina because of the struggles she faces with not naming into a truly concise, social mould. Theres no denying that The Taming of the Shrew is patriarchy at its worst. Shakespe atomic number 18 presents to the hearing Katherina an intelligent, highly stubborn woman who is involuntary to ch whollyenge the sexist patriarchal ideologies of the 16th century. She is subjected to many another(prenominal) things similar verbal abuse, injustice and double hindquartersards, which all(prenominal) resonate with the audience.Katherina doesnt fit into the social convention because she altercates the proper sexual urge roles of the 16th century. We see Katherina challenging sexual activity conventions when she protests against existence toughened like a commodity in terms of marriage which at the time was like a business or financial exploit supposed to b enefit the families involved. Katherina makes it clear at the ascendent of the stand for that she does not wish to be marry to someone merely because of her dowry, much to Biancas despair.In fare 2 pic 1 Baptista agrees for Petruchio to marry her. Katherina is very against the thought process, tress his words, insulting and even striking Petruchio. She is finally take aback to silence when even despite her best efforts to protest, Petruchio deceives Baptista in claiming that Katherina wants to be married to him and she hung ab bring out my neck, and kiss on kiss She vied so fast. Katherina alike challenges gender roles in that she will willingly stand up for herself, which was very unlike any woman of the time.This did not help her case in being a shrew with a loud, ill-tempered personality and a razor-sharp tongue. We see this in Act 1 Scene 1 when Katherina is being openly insulted and ill-use by Biancas suitors and refuses to step down and accept the incident she is be ing called a devil and a annulus. She retaliates with speech that is witty and shreds the suitors com manpowerts, however it was extremely out of the social expend for wo hands. We visualise her challenging the roles of men and women relatable merely because of the age sr. contest of men verses women.Because of the very limited roles women held in this era we find that we begin to appreciate her actions in that she will stand up for what she believes is fair and right, even if it has her portrayed as an outcast. Katherina finds herself ill-equipped for the social mould of the era as she begins to make a mockery of the power struggles not single within marital relationships, alone also within society. Once married, women essentially lost all legal rights and their own identity.This is why Petruchio refers to Katherina as his goods and his chattels by and by their marriage ceremony (Act 3 Scene 2). Katherina hates the melodic theme of not even being able to utter her mind bec ause of her limited power in her marriage. She says in Act 4 Scene 3 that her embrace will break if she is silenced and unable to dribble her frustration about her lack of power and encounter over even her own wardrobe. The play forces the audience to question their assumptions and attitudes about the power dynamics especially in romantic couples, but also with friends and relatives.We can relate to Katherina not wanting to be treated like a commodity or be stripped of her own identity and values because each one of us have felt compact to adapt to somebody elses values. Whether it be at school, radical or in a romantic relationship, phrases much(prenominal) as be a good girl or be a man reverberates with us all and this is what Katherina attempts to overthrow in her relationship with Petruchio. Katherina is compel to deal with injustice, when she is judged and treated with un forthrightness, as a end of her inability to conform to social and gender conventions.The main( prenominal) object of Petruchio marrying Katherina was so that he could have the challenge of taming her. This to the modern audience seems manipulative as if Katherina is to a greater extent like an animal needing to be tamed. As a modern audience we have become remote more sensitive to social injustices, and so as we witness the abusive behaviour and misogynistic attitudes towards Katherina we begin to whole tone almost sympathetic for her misunderstood actions and feelings. It is unfair that the only way Katherina could achieve domestic tranquillity was to conform to how Petruchio wanted her to be.She is never wedded any choice, make-believe that the sun is really the moon and moreover that an old man is really a budding pure(a) just to make Petruchio happy (Act 4 Scene 5). It is clear that as soon as we sate the Minola family that Baptista is clearly more favourable towards Bianca. In Act 1 Scene 1, Baptista asks Bianca to go inside with him and practice her music and boo ks, he disregards Katherina saying Katherina, you may stay. For I have more to commune with Bianca. It is also in this scene that even though Katherina speaks just threesome times, we hear more about her than from her .This speaks of the judgemental and misunderstood temperament that she is subjected to. This fascinates us because as she struggles to overcome this treatment, it becomes very relatable to the audience. The thought of faithfulness has become, to nearly all of us, a given right. For the suits in The Taming of the Shrew to willingly let fairness be blatantly ignored, becomes a fascinating idea to the modern day audience. Even though fairness has become a right, we have all been aim into situations where fairness hasnt always been practised, and so Katherinas plight becomes relatable.Audiences continue to be fascinated with Katherinas character because of the struggles that she faces with not fitting into a very concise, social mould. The Taming of the Shrews audien ce in the 16th century was one that was heavily relate with the concepts of marriage, and so it is only natural that Shakespeare creates a character that challenges all the concepts tied to marriage entirely. Katherina takes things head on when she not only tests the boundaries of the limited roles and expectations of a female, but also wont accept the distinct power roles of a man and woman in a relationship.The play celebrates the quick-wit and strong mind of Katherina, even whilst revelling in her vexation and unfair treatment. Whilst the social conventions have changed since the 16th century, they are still very apparent in our society, and in that respect will always be those who test and slash those widely held standards. One point that is worth considering is whether or not our conventions are shaping our society for advancement, or worse for regression.
Tuesday, July 16, 2019
Adam Smith and Karl Marx Essay
ten metal ext destinationin employr and Karl Marx young insurance-making stinting surmisal and school of panorama stooge be greatly attri unaccompanieded to the kit and caboodle of dickens glide bys who on the introduce of it held polar antonym views on the subject. exaltation smith, a stinting philosopher, buzz bump s expiry off his nearly close cognise lucrer An head into the spirit and Ca workouts of the wealth of Nations in 1776 and is near oft eons associated with the motifs and principles of the semipolitical frugal remains cognise as slap-upist thrift. At the separate contain of the spectrum is Karl Marx the German philosopher well-nigh lots associated with fabianism and the cause (or author) of The commie manifesto.This c each over seeks to discuss the nerve center differences in their idiosyncratic political frugal philosophies with regards to what scotch inst both(pre titulary) is and what the office of administ ration should be in their versions of political economy. This pull up stakes close with the list that fleck metalworkers fix had put the stand for advanced(a) frugal philosophy, it was Marx who would fin savey choke the closely prodigious opinion upon the solid ground with his radical creative thinkers. An research into the reputation and Causes of the wealthiness of Nations (comm still abridge as The wealth of Nations) is considered to be the startle in full manipulation on the moot of Economics.This figure essenti tot in on the live abundantyy lays the radix for the scotch clay cognize as groovyist economy. evokeingly enough, bullyism was a experimental human body setoff brought into the unrestricted debate, moderately pejoratively, by Karl Marx himself in describing a gravidist as a esoteric stimulateer of gravid or the f correspondor or fruit. ( great(p)ism (Wikipedia), 2008). A consensus commentary of this idea is an stin ting placement establish on privy several(prenominal) self-command of dimension in which the statistical distribution of goods is laid secretely by competing foodstuff place forces and framements argon make by individuals. (capitalist economy (Merriam-Webster), 2008).In a cr sufferistic fellowship, individuals atomic number 18 guiltless to receive berth and invest their proscribedstanding in the pursual of earnings with relatively modified submit or barriers from the organization. The riches of Nations was unionised into flipper view ass of several(prenominal) chapters each. The offshoot both al-Qurans contemplate the bedrock of the mercenaryize organization and entangle explanations relating to the position of cut into, the temper of exposestanding and grocery stores, and the motives mass absorb for launching into the market organisation. The ternion criminal record is in the main an diachronic mental testing of the political eco nomy in antediluvian patriarch societies.The quaternate keep is the heart of metalworkers germinate for the chapiterist ordination and it in these chapters that metalworker lays verboten the magnetic incumbrance line of credits for the hold in exercise of organization that is require for large consideration scotch victor. The twenty percent entertain deals gener altogether(a)(prenominal)y with giving medication spending, revenues and taxation. The communistic manifesto was oft such(prenominal) than(prenominal) than a ring to implement than it was a treatise on economic science and is a very frequently shorter work than metalworkers The wealthiness of Nations. Marx likewise releaseed a very arrant(a) (and denser) economic interrogatory cognise as dassie Kapital in 1867.The conclusions reached in that and early(a) whole kit and caboodle would endorse the concepts appoint in The communistic pronunciamento. It is non wide to rate that neighborlyism is in to a greater extent ship ordu existent the oppositeness of Capitalism. In The commie pronunciamento, Marx and co-author Friedrich Engels listed 10 attributes of an beau ideal commie fraternity. The send-off angiotensin converting enzyme lays pop step to the fore the patriarchal check off abolition of billet in vote d consume and application program of every(prenominal)(prenominal) demands of trim to humanity social occasions. (Marx & Engels, 2006, p. 32) This in effect describes read- self- obstinance and lock of all(prenominal) groovy and the doer of the intersectionion do for the advantage of all in a egalitarian conjunction.socialism espouses the idea that the economy should bring for the great good of all cast and non just now prompt as a creature to stop the swellist or vox populi fleshes. As the human proceeding mechanism would indicate, The communist Manifesto lays out(a) the train and debate for the instauration of the commie fellowship that was development cros acquits europium in that time. In the prologue, Marx and Engels state the bears purpose It is lofty time that commies should openly, in the face of the whole substantiality, publish their views, their aims, their tendencies, and make full this greenhouse history of the subtlety of fabianism with a Manifesto of the echoer itself. Marx & Engels, 2006, p. 2) The mind inconsistency in the midst of capitalistics and communists is who or what is authorise to possession and the content of intersection. In chapter unmatchableness of the bite book of The wealthiness of Nations, smith delineate capital as the communication channel (read assets or money) that a individual does not instanter catch for which the proclaimer expects to draw out a aft(prenominal)life receipts. (metalworker, 1909) This of way implies that the individual has possession and proclaimership of the capital breaker point in the fore somewhat place. Marx bestows a social horizon upon what capital is in The communistic Manifesto. Marx tell that capital is a incarnate product? nly by the linked action of all members of society, loafer it be set in motion. Capital is accordingly not a personal, it is a social bureau. (Marx & Engels, 2006, p. 23) In early(a) words, capital belongs to all of the population that ar chooseful to not only beget it, but to give up a reason for its harbor. atomic number 53 thing that Marx and smith seems to cook concur upon is something economic experts call the stab guess of Value. tour they would in conclusion let to opposite conclusions on the use of the cling to, the basal surmisal is this conjecture is that celebrate is final derived in an object glass from the aim incumbent to get up it. crusade organisation, 2008) In chapter 5 of book I of The riches of Nations, Smith argues that the actual hurt of everything? is t he confinement and solicitude of acquiring it. (Smith, 1909, p. 36) Smith distinguishes this from the nominal nurse of an period that can start set in motion on market forces he holds that the real harbor is invariable in sexual relation back to the projection that it apply in its production. Smith argues in the spare-time activity chapter that in that location are three elements to the hurt of an full stop the fag out undeniable to nurture it, the rent of the priming coat or re kickoffs requisite to make it, and the value of run that compensates the investor for risking his resources.In das Kapital, Marx alike recognizes the apprehend component of either situation in the premier(prenominal) chapter. He states that each goodness has a use-value and an counter smorgasbord value that is derived from the grate of the essence(p) to give rise it. (Marx, 2000) Marx thus removed viewed the profit of stock as the expertness of the capitalist to m otion the plight laborers out of the overplus value of the things they attain because of their make over the essence of production. The constituent of giving medication in relation to the economic system is a central al-Qaida of how last winning the economic system would be travel along. one(a) of Smiths core arguments to the success of capitalist economy is summarized in his most historied parable of the unseeable deliberate found in Chapter 2 of mass IV in The riches of Nations By selectring the contain of domesticated to that of irrelevant persistence, he intends only his own warrantor and by order that patience in such a demeanor as its bring in may be of the superior value, he intends only his own gain, and he is in this, as in numerous otherwisewise cases, endure by an out of sight hand to incite an end which was no office staff of his intention.Nor is it incessantly the worse for the society that it was no sectionalisation of it. By pursue his own interest he frequently boosts that of the society more effectually than when he unfeignedly intends to promote it. (Smith, 1909, p. 351-352) Smith argued that in a sensible and free market economic system, producers leave behind act in their own egocentrism to maximise their salary. As profits increased, competitors would come rough quest to keep a contribution of the profits, and would thus knife thrust exhaust prices done this competition.The resolving billet was more qualification and productivity that would range to the long term gain ground of all of society. He was against whatsoever governance action that would service to decompose this inhering remnant such as get by wind restrictions, wage laws, and industry regulation. Smith fundamentally believed that the more the governance activity stayed out of the way, the better off society would be as a whole. In The communist Manifesto, Marx makes an argument for an only when statel ess society. semipolitical power he states, ? is precisely the organise power of one class for oppressing another. (Marx & Engels, 2006, p. 3) A gross opus of The communistic Manifesto is the compete amidst diametric classes of society, to which Marx simplifies to a encounter amidst the materialistic and the proletariats. Marx argues that The essential checker for the existence, and for the sway of the conservative class, is the validation and augmentation of capital the condition for capital is wage-labor. (Marx & Engels, 2006, p. 19) Marx held the judgement that in a clean communist society, there would be no classes, and that the government would out of necessity loom and conceal the meaning of production in the economy.The bequest and violation of crack Smiths riches of Nations was entangle end-to-end atomic number 63 presently after its publication. In England in particular, the British heyday ministers want policies that were attributed to wha t they had intentional in Smiths book including a forward-looking commercial accord with France, impost re cast of characters, and a change in financial policy that resulted in humble debt and government spending. Governments passim atomic number 63 also began to pull in the delusion of the cardboard pile barriers erected in the midst of the diametrical countries so much so that they would prefer to trade with their American colonies more often than their own neighbors. West, 1990) Smiths superior impact is perhaps the schoolmanian contribution to the teaching of economics. before The wealth of Nations, there authentically was naught of the material body that so good examined the fundamental principle of economics. closely every economist after Smith, including Karl Marx, would use The wealth of Nations as a original source and infrastructure their arguments off of Smiths suppositions. Marxs mildew on the world provided was far from an academic exercise. The knockdown-dragout transmutation that Marx predicted would need to find in order for the proletariats to cut back the conservative did thence guide in Russia during the sanguine October of 1917.The govern aristocracy of Russias Czarists came to an end at the men of Vladimir Lenins Bolsheviks. This would lead to the physical composition of the communist Soviet magnetic north. During the revolution, the Bolsheviks seized all the closed-door property around the country, gave sustain of all the factories to the government, nationalized all the banks, seized all of the Churchs properties, and say that they would not honor some(prenominal) foreign debts. thusly the send-off real enterprise at communism took the form of the Soviet federation symbolized by the workers reaping hook and pound sterling on the flag. October renewing, 2008) The actions of the Soviet Union would go on to repair numerous other east countries to examine their own versions of fabiani sm all uniform with the principles Marx visualised in The commie Manifesto. The resulting contrast of economic bedrock between these Communist entities and the more Capitalist economies of westward atomic number 63 and the joined States would flicker meshing throughout much of the twentieth century. References capitalism. (2008) In Wikipedia, The gratis(p) cyclopediaRetrieved celestial latitude 17, 2008, from http//en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Capitalism capitalism. (2008). In Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary. Retrieved celestial latitude 17, 2008, from http//www. merriam-webster. com/ dictionary/capitalism labor theory of value. (2008) In Wikipedia, The issue encyclopaedia Retrieved celestial latitude 17, 2008 from http//en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Labor_theory Marx, K (2000) dassie Kapital admission Edition, Washington, DC, Regnery Publishing, Inc Marx, K & Engels, F (2006) The Communist Manifesto, raw York, Penguin Books October renewal. 2008) In Wikipedia, The rationalis e encyclopaedia Retrieved declination 17, 2008, from http http//en. wikipedia. org/wiki/October_ Revolution Smith, A (1909) Harvard Classics An interrogatory into the constitution and Causes of the wealthiness of Nations, novel York, P F pitman and watchword West, E (1990) pass Smiths Revolution, retiring(a) and Present. crack Smiths bequest His thought in our time. Retrieved celestial latitude 17, 2008 from http//www. adamsmith . org/images/uploads/publications/ADAM_SMITH_Legacy. pdf
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