Monday, February 17, 2020

Changes in Australian Employment Relations Essay

Changes in Australian Employment Relations - Essay Example This essay consists of four sections which shed light on the interference of the Australian government in the employment relationship. The first section will observe the prevalence of employment relations in Australia. The second section analyzes the past trends in Australian government interference in employment relations. The next section discusses the changes in the employment relationship. The final section provides an overall evaluation of the interference of the Australian government in employment relations.The employment relationship is described within many contexts, including economic, political, social, cultural, technological and global arenas. â€Å"The employment relationship is the legal link between employers and employees. It exists when a person performs work or services under certain conditions in return for remuneration. It is through the employment relationship, however, defined, that reciprocal rights and obligations are created between the employee and the empl oyer†. Political parties played a major role in the interference of the government in employment relations. â€Å"The State influences the employment relationship directly through laws on wages (e.g. minimum wages), working conditions (e.g. on hours of work) and many other issues, and through its role as the employer of public sector workers. It also has a series of indirect influences†. The laws made by the State are effectively implemented by the government. The term State and government are often used interchangeably. In Australia, laws have been implemented by the State regarding the employment relation. The employment relationship in Australia has an old history in which political parties played a major role. The employment relationship is often associated with industries and is sometimes known as industrial relations.  

Monday, February 3, 2020

Human resources Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 1

Human resources - Essay Example The use of effective performance management could somehow contribute to the overall success of a business organization. Implemented by the line managers, performance management is valuable to corporate managers and employees in the sense that the organizational competencies are aligned with the organizational core values (Armstrong and Baron 20). Through the use of proper coaching and guiding techniques, the line managers are expected to be able to effectively motivate employees to unleash their potentials which are necessary in improving the overall performance of the group as a team (ibid). Considering the advantages of having effective performance management, improving the overall organizational performance of a business group is equally beneficial on the part of the public shareholders and the business owners. Basically, improving the overall business performance of an organization increases its profit earnings. Therefore, the public shareholders are expected to receive higher di vidends whereas the business owners are expected to receive more financial gains. ... hat is taking place within a business organization, it becomes a challenge on the part of the HR managers to establish organizational culture that promotes organizational behaviors that are more flexible and open to changes (Rahim and Rahim 227). For this reason, positive reinforcement on employees is necessary from time to time. Within a business organization, the unbreakable behavior laws are referring to the act of making accepted behavioral practices a significant part of the organizational culture. By making positive behavior a part of the organizational culture, the practice of positive behavior within the business organization can become a norm. This makes the development of positive behaviors more difficult to break. Organizational behavior is considered the key factor that could effectively improve the quality products and services being delivered by employees. Given that the HR manager is able to reinforce positive behaviors among its employees, the organizational managers will be able to effectively motive the workers into working as a team in order to reach the organizational goal. It is also possible to make employees become more self-sufficient as a worker. By making employees learn to embrace the importance of self learning, employees could contribute more in terms of improving the overall business performance. Q.3 What is pinpointing? As explained by Axson Pinpointing in performance management is pertaining to organizational behavior that indicates relevant business information that can be used by the organizational leaders when making important business decisions (216). By pinpointing parts of the faulty production process or negative human behavior that could hinder the operational success within a business organization, the organizational managers